Biography: Nasser Mohamed
Airway management is an important skill for all medical staff to practice, particularly within difficult scenarios. To address this, we will create this workshop of airway management for introducing advanced airway techniques to all medical staff (physician, residents nurses and fellows) Emergency airway management is associated with a high complication rate. Evaluating the patient prior to airway management is important to identify patients with increased risk of failed airways pediatric airway management should be systematic and well planned. This workshop will describe the steps in appropriate airway management these steps include clinical assessment, preparation of equipment and staff, and a progression through a series of interventions. A good foundation of basic skills, such as understanding of pediatric airway-anatomy, head positioning, and correct bag-valve-mask or Bag-mask Ventilation (BVM), are necessary for appropriate airway management. The majority of patients requiring Endotracheal Intubation (ETI) can be successfully intubated with Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI). A difficult airway may occasionally be encountered and the medical staff must have alternative methods for the support of ventilation and oxygenation if RSI failed Video laryngoscopes are claimed to improve airway management. Several studies showed an equal or better glottic view using the Glidescope compared with direct laryngoscopy in adults and in paediatric patients. Many case reports also described successful intubation in patients with a difficult airway. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this educational workshop, participants will be able to apply a thorough understanding and practical knowledge of the basics of airway assessment in your clinical practice recognizes the signs of potentially difficult intubation and airway management. Develop a plan for dealing with a known difficult airway. Discuss indications for various airway management devices. Develop effective management strategies to deal with challenging airway scenarios. Demonstrate working knowledge and practice of a variety of airway management devices (oropharyngeal tube - Nasopharyngeal tune - Laryngeal mask airway -Endo tracheal tube - Ambu bag - video laryngoscop).